the ultimate pineapple Man fan site
to the ultimate source of Pineapple Man fan material on the net. Here you
will find out all you ever wanted to know about Pineapple Man comic books,
characters, and their creative team. There's also hard to find sketches
and art pieces in the gallery section, collected from the early days
before the first full-sized comic debuted, to the present.
Pineapple Man was created by Sam Campos in a high school art class in 1984 and revived ten years later. SoloGraphics was operated by Sam and Gen, a husband and wife team who published the Pineapple Man comic books and online comics. Now divorced, Sam and Gen are working together on Pineapple Man's comeback graphic novel under Sam's new label, Kaaawasaki Productions
Current Status: It's hard to believe, I last updated this fansite in 2003. Pineapple Man went on hiatus, but is resurfacing again under Sam's new label, with a new website. Check out
Updates: New articles about Pineapple Man's comeback, coming soon!
Pineapple Man and all significant characters are © and TM SoloGraphics.